
A selection of rather groovy gadgets

I guess not everyone has a pressing desire to own lots of gadgets, I am, unfortunately, not one of these people. If I were then my credit card bill would be a lot lower than it is. Anyway, during a rather productive lunch break of browsing for new gadgets, I've come across one or two of interest and thought I'd share. How about a bluetooth retro handset? Could just see myself walking down the street talking on one of these, most amusing indeedy: . There's a good review of it here: Gotta love this one, an ant farm but you need to provide your own ants. Not sure the apache server will fit in the slimline case they send out. . Now this one could be useful. I've got quite a bit of vinyl, everything from Pinky & Perky through to Anthrax - I throw nothing away... it's another

The wee beasty is out of its box.

Shiny, new, lovely - happy sigh! 6 RAM slots could be kinda useful It's a processor that means business when the fan is bigger than your mouse, and hand... Blue lights are supposedly very calming. This should be perfect for staying cool, calm and collected when battling hoards of zombies. I guess it might be a good idea to stick an operating system on it now, will need to turn it off and stop looking at the calming blue lights first though.

Woo hooo.....

The new PC has arrived - so shiny, so pretty, and such a HUGE processor fan. I've been sitting with it on my knee for 5 minutes, should probably put it back in its box. Wonder if anyone would notice if I snuck off home now to start setting it up. Am currently very impressed with Spannerbox as all the spare parts have also been sent with the PC. Another motherboard box full of bits to add to my collection at home. And as if that wasn't enough great news for one day, I've also received approval to go on the SQL BI course being run by . Things come in threes apparently, so with any luck there's a cheque for a squillion dollars sitting in the letter box when I get home. A girl can dream. :)

The Tigger effect

Had an email from the PC supplier. My spiffy new PC should arrive tomorrow. Yay! I'm happier than a Tigger on E.


YAY! My 70-448 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance self-paced training kit arrived this morning from Amazon. Still a bit peeved at having to buy it myself, but on the plus side, that does mean it's mine to keep. :-)

Great weekend

Friday Friday night I headed on over to Cassette9, Auckland's new music venue in Vulcan Lane. I was not disappointed. It's a great bar and they've set up the sound really well. You can hear all the instruments - it's great! The bands start late at this venue, reminded me of playing gigs in the UK where as the main band we didn't go on stage until 1am, so if you're into your early nights, possibly not the venue for you. The first band, Clap Clap Riot went on stage around 10.30am. They're really tight with very well structed songs and a lot of energy. The vocalist was a little lacking in dynamism as he mumbled incoherently into the mic between songs, but when playing/singing he was great. F in Math - this is the solo project for the dude from the Mint Chicks. It was O for Awsome. He was totally alienating most of the audience but along with an insane girl who seemed to want to scream at every opportunity, I loved it, just not quite as vociferously.

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