A selection of rather groovy gadgets

I guess not everyone has a pressing desire to own lots of gadgets, I am, unfortunately, not one of these people. If I were then my credit card bill would be a lot lower than it is. Anyway, during a rather productive lunch break of browsing for new gadgets, I've come across one or two of interest and thought I'd share.

How about a bluetooth retro handset? Could just see myself walking down the street talking on one of these, most amusing indeedy: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/8928/. There's a good review of it here: http://www.thetechzone.com/ttz/index.php/yubz-talk-bluetooth-headset-review/

Gotta love this one, an ant farm but you need to provide your own ants. Not sure the apache server will fit in the slimline case they send out. http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=ANTW2R&cat=GDT.

Now this one could be useful. I've got quite a bit of vinyl, everything from Pinky & Perky through to Anthrax - I throw nothing away... it's another bad habit along with spending all the money I don't have on gadgets. http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=E-E038-PB

This next one I envisage using at Goat Island, perhaps in the summer though, bit nippy in the water at the moment. A camera that's built into your diving mask seems like a great idea: http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=VS-310&cat=GDT

And finally, the ultimate geek must have, well, for this geek anyway - your very own Ultimate Arcade II Cabinet MAME - YES! Though to be fair, the original Tetris arcade machine in my friend's lounge is better, just a little harder to come by. http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Cabinet-Multiple-Machine-Emulator/dp/B000LSGZI2.

The tetris machine above is not the one in my friend's lounge, but it is very, very similar.

Should anyone feel a wad of money burning a hole in their pocket, feel free to buy me any or all of the above items. :)


Anonymous said…
Maybe my Tetris machine will look like that eventually if I ever get around to tidying up the cabinet that it's in.

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