
Showing posts with the label SQL11


As with my other TechEd 09 notes, this will be a list of notes that I made during the presentation. These will give a start point to find out further information. Virtualization - presented by Rob Reinauer at Code Camp on the 13th September. Find out more info on how anti-virus software works with VMs and are the AV companies planning any new methods to handle VMs? Demo of Hyper-V Live Migration in SQL Server 2008 R2 (Kilimanjaro): Copies pages to memory Copies delta changes Repeats copying delta changes down to smallest change found Freezes environment Copies everything to destination child partition Takes down source child partition Brings up destination child partition Freeze downtime is generally 2-4 seconds Connections are maintained throughout process Users will not notice the change of child partition due to maintained connections, they will most likely not even realise they have been moved In SQL11 the bulk of false failovers will be removed System Centre Virtual Machine Manag...