
Showing posts with the label sql 2008

Yippie ki-yay

I have finally made it past the verification screen. Dynamics CRM is now installing on the virtual server. On the plus side - all this mucking around has given me a good idea of what to double and triple check before even trying to start the install. :) 1. Make sure you have a Dynamics CRM AD group setup with permissions. The network support guys really don't like letting you have access to their servers so this is a good alternative solution. Get them to set up a group and give you permissions to that. 2. Install SQL Server 2008 with everything installed. 3. Make sure IIS is installed and running 4. Make sure Windows Server is totally up to date with its patches 5. Head on in to control panel, administrative tools, services - make sure Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator are both started. 6. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager - make sure all the services are started and using an account with access rights. I used NT Authority\NetworkServi...

Defrag Your Indexes Script - Version 1.1

As it's getting kinda large now, version 1.1. of the script is attached as a link on the right. Constructive comments/suggestions welcomed. Also, let me know if it's useful for you. :)

Yay - It works! Rebuild/Reorganize all indexes in one go - woo hoo

/*Version 1 of my script to fix all fragged indexes on a database */ /*Must be logged in as [sa] for this to work, if not, you will get permissions errors*/ /*You should be able to copy and paste this script in its entirity to your SQL 2005 or higher query window and run it without altering anything other than the USE .*/ /*Perform a 'USE ' to select the database in which to run the script.*/ USE AdventureWorks GO -- Make sure temp table doesn't exist IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tmp_fraglist]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[tmp_fraglist] GO -- Declare variables SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tablename NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @indexname NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @indextype NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @execstr NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @pagecounts INT DECLARE @frag DECIMAL DECLARE @reorgFragSize DECIMAL DECLARE @rebldFragSize DECIMAL DECLARE @numrecords INT DECLARE @rowcount INT DECLARE @errorMessage ...


YAY! My 70-448 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance self-paced training kit arrived this morning from Amazon. Still a bit peeved at having to buy it myself, but on the plus side, that does mean it's mine to keep. :-)