
Showing posts from July, 2009

Yay - It works! Rebuild/Reorganize all indexes in one go - woo hoo

/*Version 1 of my script to fix all fragged indexes on a database */ /*Must be logged in as [sa] for this to work, if not, you will get permissions errors*/ /*You should be able to copy and paste this script in its entirity to your SQL 2005 or higher query window and run it without altering anything other than the USE .*/ /*Perform a 'USE ' to select the database in which to run the script.*/ USE AdventureWorks GO -- Make sure temp table doesn't exist IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tmp_fraglist]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[tmp_fraglist] GO -- Declare variables SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tablename NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @indexname NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @indextype NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @execstr NVARCHAR (255) DECLARE @pagecounts INT DECLARE @frag DECIMAL DECLARE @reorgFragSize DECIMAL DECLARE @rebldFragSize DECIMAL DECLARE @numrecords INT DECLARE @rowcount INT DECLARE @errorMessage ...

Unsolicited calls

Recently (the past year or so), I've been getting majorly inundated with calls. My number is ex-directory (unlisted) so I should not be getting any calls from people unless I have given them my number, however, I'm getting about 42 missed calls a week; an evening doesn't go by without at least 2 intrusive calls from someone wanting 5 minutes (30-40 minutes) of your time. These people must also be ringing constantly during the day to rack up that many missed calls. It reached the point where about 6 months ago I stopped answering the landline at home and in the past fortnight have now unplugged the phone completely to stop the annoying and very frequent ringing. I am also considering changing my number. Today though someone very helpfully told me that there was a website you could go to and request having your number removed from a list, they didn't know the link unfortunately but after 10 minutes of googling I have the answer, yay! And I'm sharing it wi...

It's not that difficult!

rant> I am getting very hacked off with the spelling and grammar in this country. I'm convinced they just aren't bothering to teach them English at school any more. So, in our first lesson on how not to annoy me with your appalling language skills, this is a shout out to all those of you with an apostrophe aversion: You're = You are - "I can see you're not that good at spelling old chap." Your = Possessive form of 'you', i.e. it belongs to 'you' - "Is this your appallingly written advert?" Their = Possessive pronoun, means belonging to them - "Is this their small furry animal?" They're = They are - it is a contraction of two words - "They're over there.". There = Over there - "The house was over there.". Use 'there' when referring to a place. It's = It is or It has- "It's great sitting on the beach in the sun.", "It's been great seeing you....

SQL Performance - Index Defragging

I'm in the process of putting together a couple of short talks for the Auckland SQL Server user group meeting in August. The first presentation is already available to download on the right hand side of the blog page; as soon as the second part is finished I'll post a link to that as well. Code will be included with the presentations so that you can try this stuff out for yourself. Part I - Defragging Indexes For Beginners Indexes over time become fragmented and as a result don’t work quite as well as they should. This short talk will show you how to fragment and then fix an index. Part II - Effective Indexes For Beginners Use a DMV to identify which indexes are effective and which can be disabled/deleted. This short talk will show you how and why you should be checking the effectiveness of your indexes.

Another item for the wish list

Nice... Nixie Tube Clocks... droooool... this is now top of the wish list, closely followed by a Steampunk Segway.

And today's winner of my favourite person or company is.... Microsoft

Microsoft were the primary sponsors of NZ Girl Geek Dinners for 2008/2009 and they have emailed today to confirm a continuation of this sponsorship until July 2010. A huge thanks to all the guys at Microsoft NZ for all your help since NZ-GGD started in November 2007. You rock! :)

Oh for goodness sake!

Section 92a rears its ugly head again.

A selection of rather groovy gadgets

I guess not everyone has a pressing desire to own lots of gadgets, I am, unfortunately, not one of these people. If I were then my credit card bill would be a lot lower than it is. Anyway, during a rather productive lunch break of browsing for new gadgets, I've come across one or two of interest and thought I'd share. How about a bluetooth retro handset? Could just see myself walking down the street talking on one of these, most amusing indeedy: . There's a good review of it here: Gotta love this one, an ant farm but you need to provide your own ants. Not sure the apache server will fit in the slimline case they send out. . Now this one could be useful. I've got quite a bit of vinyl, everything from Pinky & Perky through to Anthrax - I throw nothing away... it's another...

The wee beasty is out of its box.

Shiny, new, lovely - happy sigh! 6 RAM slots could be kinda useful It's a processor that means business when the fan is bigger than your mouse, and hand... Blue lights are supposedly very calming. This should be perfect for staying cool, calm and collected when battling hoards of zombies. I guess it might be a good idea to stick an operating system on it now, will need to turn it off and stop looking at the calming blue lights first though.

Woo hooo.....

The new PC has arrived - so shiny, so pretty, and such a HUGE processor fan. I've been sitting with it on my knee for 5 minutes, should probably put it back in its box. Wonder if anyone would notice if I snuck off home now to start setting it up. Am currently very impressed with Spannerbox as all the spare parts have also been sent with the PC. Another motherboard box full of bits to add to my collection at home. And as if that wasn't enough great news for one day, I've also received approval to go on the SQL BI course being run by . Things come in threes apparently, so with any luck there's a cheque for a squillion dollars sitting in the letter box when I get home. A girl can dream. :)