

Kilimanjaro is the code name for SQL Server 2008 R2. This version of SQL Server 2008 contains 6 major new components: Gemini - self service business intelligence Synthesis - application and multi-server management Madison - High end scale out for data warehousing Orinoco - Complex Event Processing (CET) - streaming data without persistence SSRS - Report builder enhancements and Sharepoint integration > 64 core support Kilimanjaro should be available in the 1st half of CY10.

Gemini - new in SQL Server 2008 R2 (Kilimanjaro)

I'm currently at TechEd and thought it may be useful to blog session notes, both for myself as notes to refer back to, and just in case anyone else out there is interested in any of the topics. The notes are just that, notes... some of these I need to drill down in to when I get back to work to find out more information, but hopefully if this is a topic you are interested in the notes will give you a start point to drill down further as well. There may be some repetition of notes if I've picked up on an idea again later in the talk. There are a lot of notes, so I'll split the blog posts by subject. This one is about project Gemini. This is the new self service BI tool that will be included with Kilimanjaro. These notes are combined from the Code Camp presentation on Sunday 13th and from Mark Souza's presentation at TechEd on the 14th. Gemini Notes: Slides should soon be available at (give Dave a few days to get these uploaded). http://blogs.msdn

Maps update

YAY! My funky office floor plan map is working a treat. Now to add some dynamic interaction features. :-)

Google Maps API

For those who don't know, Fronde are the sole NZ partner for Google apps until at least the New Year 2010. Most of the Google work so far has been undertaken by the team down in Wellington, apart from the very shiny Track-U application for the Blackberry created by the Java devs here in Auckland. We wanted to get more people involved up here in Auckland so we're assigning ourselves internal projects. We're all taking a specific area to make that our specialist subject as there are a large variety of Google apps, most of which are quite large when you start to really get into them to see what you can do with them. I'm currently looking into the maps API and it's proving quite interesting. Three of us are creating an interactive floor plan for both floors of the office, we're then going to hook it into MOSS. I've created the tiles for both floors, that was the easy part and they did show up beautifully, then came a bit more of a challenge with settin

Effective Indexes for Beginners

I've created a presentation for the August SQL User Group which is about using ' sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ' DMV in order to evaluate your index usage. The presentation and code sample is available to download on the right.


Seems the IT Crowd hit the nail on the head with FriendFace. FaceBook are buying a company called FriendFeed, guess FriendFace is a better name than FaceFeed. :)

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

In a fit of insanity I signed up to do a 40km leg of the Lake Taupo cycle challenge, oh dear. Those who know me will understand the issue here. I'm short, fat, unfit, have a knee full of titanium bolts and haven't ridden a bike for 3 years. Being side-swiped by a bus passing too close was the final straw after being knocked off by three cars prior to that, and let's not forget car drivers who can't wait 2 seconds to turn left and turn across the front of you, or morons who fling car doors open without looking to see if anyone is coming. They don't just knock you off in Auckland, to add insult to injury they get out of their cars and scream abuse at you for being on the road in the first place, one car driver swerved into a cycle lane to knock me off and then yelled at me for being in the middle of the road - thank goodness for a fast police response and other car drivers with a modicum of sense who gave statements verifying the guy was a nutter. Anyway, all t