

Someone on the otherside of the table has my dream laptop, wonder if it's fully modded though. I'm still saving the $11k I need to buy it. Then again, by the time I've saved that much money it'll be available on TradeMe for $1000.

What is a geek?

Someone raised an interesting point on Monday night at a GGD dinner and I feel they have missed the entire point of Girl Geek Dinners and have also, with their comments, seriously undermined other women who are looking to come out of their shell and interact with other 'geeks'. If you don't agree with what we're doing then don't come to a Girl GEEK dinner, and certainly don't turn up and throw cold water on people, make belittling comments and then moan that it was too technical and you didn't enjoy it. So what is a geek? There seemed to be some confusion. These women throwing around the derogatory comments seem especially confused. So let's refresh everyones' minds. You don't need to be in IT to be a geek folks! It's not an exclusive club limited to women who don't baulk at the thought of writing code. We're a diverse crowd and we celebrate each others geekiness, even if it isn't something we're into. We certainly

So which kidney do I sell to get this?

This is now the fastest graphics card around - drooool. I need a new graphics card, no, honest, I do! Half life will be even more awesome. :-) . Mind you, if I'm going to change the graphics card then I should probably upgrade the motherboard and a few other bits as well. Just for the hell of it of course.

GGD Site is back up.


The Girl Geek Dinner site is down!

I've been in and fixed things, should be back up by the morning - problems with the DNS thang! In the meantime it can be accessed directly here: What a thing to happen a week before an event. I need a secretary, or another 8 hours in a day.

Yay! My TechEd talk is finished! Sort of....

After pulling an all nighter at the weekend my TechEd talk has been submitted to TechEd for peer review - WOO HOO! All I need now is a fantastic SaaS or S+S case study and feedback from the peer reviews to get it closed off. It feels so great to finally get that completed and means that I can spend the weekend concentrating on making sure the next Girl Geek Dinner is a fantastic success, preparing the GGD slides for TechEd and maybe fit in some shoe shopping as well. :-) PS: if you want to buy tickets to the GGD event on the 28th. ;-)


I have just deleted my entire Hotmail account by accident. Nngggggnnnnhhhh!! Let this be a lesson to everyone, if you set up Outlook Connector in Outlook 2003, don't delete it so that you can reset it from scratch as it also deletes all your Hotmail emails and you can't get them back. It is also possible that the monster amounts of pain killers I'm taking had something to do with this monstrous debarcle. Ah well, it's one way of tidying up the emails. Hope there was nothing important in there.